(billions of years ago)
Cosmic History & Early Earth
13.7 bya Big Bang
13.2 Bya Milky Way
4.6 Bya Solar System
3.8 Bya End of Late Heavy Bombardment event
3.5 Bya First recorded fossils
2.5 Bya Oxygen in atmosphere
2 Bya Evolution of cells with nuclei (eukaryotes)
1.2 Bya Multicellular organisms evolve
(millions of years ago)
Early Primates & Diversification of Life
Cambrian explosion: wide variety of animals burst onto the evolutionary scene
13.7 bya First land animals
13.7 bya Pangea
13.7 bya Permian–Triassic extinction event: 9 in 10 marine species and 7 in 10 land species vanish
13.7 bya Dinosaurs evolve (Note: Dinosaurs existed for over 100 million years)
13.7 byaMammals evolve
13.7 byaPangea breaks apart
13.7 byaCretaceous–Paleogene extinction
13.7 byaPrimates
13.7 byaAustralia breaks off from Antarctica
India smashes into Eurasia and causes Himalayas
Walking upright
Lucy lives
Homo genus appears and dawn of technology
Humans spread from Africa to Eurasia. Evolution of different human species (s)
Homo erectus evolve
(thousands of years ago)
Cooking and controlled fire
Homo Sapiens (anatomically modern humans)
Homo Sapiens migrated out of africa and clothing appears
Cognitive Revolution - “the point where history declared its independence from biology.” - 41 Prior to this, “Biology sets the
basic parameters for the behavior and capacity for [humans].” (Harari 43) Sapiens split significantly from other human
species, who do not develop this cognitive capacity. “It is [no longer] enough to comprehend the interaction of genes,
hormones and organisms. It is necessary to take into account the interaction of ideas, images (myths) and fantasies as well.” (Harari 42)
Cave drawings
Behavioral modernity -- Abstract thinking abilities: 1) swift expansion of knowledge; 2) preserve the knowledge gained over
generations; 3) build on past knowledge to gain even deeper insight (Kurzgesagt - What Happened Before History)
Homo sapiens reach Australia
Musical instruments
Pottery first used
Homo Sapiens settle Americas
Agricultural revolution / End of ice age / humans colonize all ice free areas
Neolithic revolution: development of agriculture
Arab Spring - anti-monarchy, pro-democracy protests; beginning in Tunisia, spreads to Bahrain, Syria, Egypt, Yemen, Libya
Iran nuclear deal
US allies with Kurdish SDF to fight ISIS (s)
Turkish military coup against Erdoğan fails
630 mya
542 mya
500 mya
270 mya
250 mya
230 mya
200 mya
175 mya
65 mya
50 mya
45 mya
40 mya
6 mya
3.2 mya
2.6 mya
2 mya
1.2 mya
800,000 ya
200,000 ya
80,000 ya
70,000 ya
60,000 ya
50,000 ya
35,000 ya
18,000 ya
15,000 ya
12,000 ya
10,000 ya